Arti Kata "Taman-Belakang"

7 Mantep, 3 Malesin

#1. Taman Belakang  

Di Tirta Marta juga dipakai untuk singkatan Tempat Berantem, atau "Terogong Belakang"

(ga ada maksud ngikut2 PL yaa. Kebetulan aja nama jalan belakang TM namanya Terogong)

A: "Eh anak2 baru kita bawa kemana dulu nih?"
J: "Ya ke TB lah, geblek...Kmana lagi?"

Oleh andrecabronnakal - Jun 5, 2012 - Laporkan


Kamu tahu arti "taman-belakang" yang lain?  Tambah Definisi Baru!

2 Mantep, 1 Malesin

#2. Taman Belakang  

Tempat anak-anak PL jaman dulu nongkrong atau ribut

Ayo pulls TB!

Aug 16, 2010 - Laporkan

0 Mantep, 1 Malesin

#3. Taman Belakang  

Tempat anak-anak PL jaman dulu nongkrong atau ribut

Ayo pulls TB!

Aug 16, 2010 - Laporkan

3 Mantep, 6 Malesin

#4. Taman Belakang  

Any horrendous place, often identified as a place where torture, crime, evil, godless scenes occur. It literally means "the back garden".

Alternate spelling / expression:
TB, Te-Be

Originated from the name of an actual location in Pangudi Luhur High School, a predominant all-boys high school in the Brawijaya area of South Jakarta. This High school is notorious for its seniority concept, where seniors rule all and creates "castes" for his juniors based on the year the junior is in. Its seniority rule is absolute, and escaping from punishment from a senior may be taken as an offense towards the whole graduating year - i.e one student"s disobedience towards a senior means not only he will be punished, but his whole graduating year students will be punished as well. The school is also notorious for offences such as junior-torturing, bullying, discrimination, etc. Such school would be considered horrendous and avoidable in western standard (somewhat reminds people of the ghetto-esque school of Queens and Bronx in NYC); but surprisingly, this is an extremely popular school in Jakarta where kids seem to think that it is the epitome of cool-ness to be enrolled in this school.
The school seniors emphasizes extreme loyalty to the school, and any offences towards the seniors or the school in general is considered sacrelige and subject to heavy, sometimes inhumane punishments by the seniors that can last for the rest of the juniors" time in that high school. Juniors often feels terrorized and unequivocally scared of the seniors, therefore, the cycle of bullying repeats when the juniors become seniors - i.e to take "revenge" on his junior years being bullied by bullying his juniors.

During the early 80"s, The seniors began to group in a park just behind the school area as a supposedly cool hang-out spot after school. The park subsequently became a "torture ground" for "disobedient" juniors. Sometimes, the so-called punishment by seniors is purely egocentrical, for example, there"s a junior that doesn"t committ any offences towards the seniors per se, but since he "looks" annoying, he is often summoned to the "taman belakang" to be picked at, harrassed, extorted (money, etc), mentally tortured (made to do silly things such as massaging every seniors" backs, and much more violent activities nowadays), or given pranks, etc.

Since Pangudi Luhur is such a popular high school in Jakarta, the term "Taman belakang" became popular in such way that Jakartan teenagers start to use the phrase to describe any sort of torture grounds or places where bullying / crome occurs.

Pangudi Luhur High School remains until today, the very face of how terrible bullying is in Indonesia as an issue, so much so that other high schoolers start to model their bullying techniques after Pangudi Luhur"s.

In some ways, this school reflects how inappropriate and below-standard the handling of student well-being is in Indonesia by the authorities.

Senior: Eh elo, elo, elo. ntar pulls TB!
Juniors: Kenapa emangnya kak?
Senior: ngentot lo! pokoknya pulls TB!

Aug 16, 2010 - Laporkan
